Trail World Running Championship 2017: Christian Pizzatti, 1st of the Italian National Team and 12th Overall
Trail World Running Championship 2017: Christian Pizzatti, 1st of the Italian National Team and 12th Overall
Badia Prataglia, June 10, 2017 – Christian Pizzatti is the 1st of the Italian National Team to cut the finish line at the Trail Running World Championships, in Tuscany at Badia Prataglia.
The athlete, trained and sponsored by Trail Running Movement, against all bets and at his first international experience, leads a perfect race and finishes in front of well-known and experienced athletes.
Christian, represents the best values of Italian sport and TRM: commitment, discipline, passion, ethics. He has become a “case study” for the speed of time with during which the athlete has been prepared thanks to a 6-month intensive training program specially designed for the Trail World Championships, developed by the Coaches and Nutritionists of the Trail Running Movement Equip.
Christian Pizzatti, athlete trained by TRM Team, from Sondrio says: “The race was tough, I was competing with Champions from around the World, just lowering the concentration for a few seconds you lose 1 or 2 positions. I ran the first part of the race with a lot of rationality by doing my pace. Then at the half of the race I started to push, constantly gaining positions. We had studied with my Team every detail of the track and my competitors, we knew that in the second part of the race, the most technical, I could make the difference. The training program was very challenging, but all the sacrifices made in these months have been repaid.
“Cristina Tasselli, President of TRM, does not hide hes satisfaction:” We have already reached our first goal. The success of Christian at the Trail World Championships confirms that the TRM Method works perfectly. We are still working to optimize the training and nutrition program to face the next challenge of the year the famous CCC and we are confident that Christian’s potential is still all to be valued and there are wide margins of growth. As coaches and managers we know that we must pursue continuous research and innovation to develop highly personalized programs depending on the characteristics of the athletes”.
Marco Mori, Vice President, explains, “We are experiencing since Months new Apps and devices that help us track daily the parameters of our Elite athletes. In the United States these technologies are more common, less in Italy where we aim to become top coaches with the use these tools in athletic training. We have sought and obtained the collaboration of excellent professionals and important Research Centers that are now engaged in this project. ”
Christian Pizzatti was selected last December to participate in the “TRM Champ 2017” Project, based on a new 360 ° training method that can synergistically combine a mix of activities: test protocols to assess the potential and level of preparation, training techniques, diet, sports supplementation, mental coaching and preventive physiotherapy. All this, using Wearable Devices and digital apps, constantly monitoring the evolution of all the vital parameters and athlete’s performance.
The TRM Method has been adapted and enriched by the know-how gained in the 2016 Summer thanks to the scientific research part of the “Transpyrenea Extreme” project conducted with the CNR (National Research Council) of Pisa and first experienced by Cristina Tasselli and Marco Mori, Athletes and Coaches, during the toughest race in the world the Transpyrenea of 900km and 55,000m. D +, where they brought Italy to the Podium.
Trail Running Movement numbers
- Trainined Athletes: 89
- Podiums (2016): 19
- Training programs: 7 types (45km, 80km, 120km, 167km, 330km, 501km and 900km, Champ Elite)
- Nutrition & Supplementation programs: 3 types (Daily, Integration, Champ Elite)
- Physiothepy Prevention programs: 2 types (Basic, Advanced)
- Mental Coaching program: 1 (S.F.E.R.A. in experimentation)
- TRM Coaches: 3
900 Km, Badia Prataglia, Christian Pizzati, endurance trail, fidal, LUIS HERNANDO, Metodo allenamento TRM, NAZIONALE TRAIL RUNNING, paolo germanetto, trail, Trail Running Movement ; TRM corporate; Transpyrenea; Test materiali; endurance trail; 900 Km; Trail Running; trailrunning; ultratrail; Ultra Trail; Ultra distance, Trail World Championships, TRM Athletes, ultra trail