Press Release 15th December 2015
Choose between BASIC, ADVANCED AND ENDURANCE TRM PROGRAMS, from 3, 6, 9 or 12 months period or a STAGE with the TRM method.
What is the method TRM? It’s a new scientific approach to training for trail running, developed by a team of experts, professionals and international athletes. The TRM method makes it possible to progress from 0 to 330 km in five years and get ready to run myth races like the Ultra Trail around Mont Blanc, the Tor in the Aosta Valley, the Western State and many others. The TRM method consists in: 1. Analysis of the physical and starting level of the athlete; the previous trail running and other sports experience; evaluation of its potential, analysis of lifestyle and nutrition; goal setting. 2. Calendar races definition. 3. Training Plan to achieve the agreed goals; guide for stretching exercises; workouts glossary to correctly understand the terminology used in the training plan. 4. Delivery and explanation of the Training Program 5. Weekly feedback
ABOUT TRAIL RUNNING- The Trail Running is a relatively young sport, so many training theories and techniques are still evolving. The TRM method relies on the experience of TRM Coaches, Athletic and Sports Trainers Certified by AISC- CONI (Italian National Olympic Committee). Many people think that if you are a road runner, able to run a marathon, you will be fine with trail running but it is not enough. The Ultra Trails require a specific and personalized training due to the different types of trail tracks, the altitude, the variability of weather conditions, the nutrition and supplements issues, the characteristics of clothing and technical equipment, the mental training and much more. The TRM method provides a specific training, with programs ranging from Basic, to Advanced up to the TRM Endurance for the expert who wants to prepare for races over 167km.
LOOKING FOR A MORE SPECIAL PRESENT? Then choose a TRAIL RUNNING STAGE of one or more days, organized on the trail tracks of some of the most famous Ultra Trails in Northern Italy. The participants are divided in Groups based on the level of experience and race track record. During the Stage they will be experience all the training techniques and strategies to manage an Ultra Trail, including nutrition, hydration, sleep and preparation of the backpack. And for the family accompanying the Trail Runner there is an entertainment program