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TRM Nutrition Plan
Trail Run

The TRM Nutrition Trail Run plan is a PROFESSIONAL nutritional program developed by Professional Experts in the field of Sports Nutrition and experienced in first person by the TRM Coaches and dozens of athletes in the World.
It is CUSTOMIZED after a complete nutritional analysis based on the personal characteristics and daily eating habits and sports diet of the athlete. Macro and micro nutrients are chosen according to the physical characteristics, sports objectives and training sessions loads.




The Nutrition Trail Run plan enables to:

  • correctly identify the type of food needed by the athlete in everyday life
  • optimize the ratio between weight and lean body mass
  • plan the introduction of macro and micro elements in the diet necessary to increase sports performance
  • reduce the risk of injuries caused by a diet that is not consistent with the training loads and objectives


The Nutrition Trail Run plan is

  • personalized: developed exclusively on your personal characteristics
  • gradual: modified every two weeks depending on the physical and performance response
  • convenient: delivered via APP and available directly on PC, smartphone, tablet
  • guaranteed: based on the experience gained in years of daily experimentation, in competitions and in the TransPyrenea Extreme study


The sports nutrition program includes:

  • survey on the athlete’s eating habits (Assessment Nutrition)
  • analysis of parameters detected by the blood tests (optional)
  • daily sports diet
  • progressive optimization of the type of food
  • advice on the purchase of food products
  • assistance via email in case of doubts or more info required (within 48h)


The nutrition program Trail Run is ideal for:

  • road runners or athletes from other sports who want to optimize their nutrition
  • beginner or expert trail runners who wish to improve their performance


To start the program you need to:

  • identify the nutrition plan considering your goal race distance of the year
  • choose the duration of the program, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months. Keeping in mind that long the distance races require more training time
  • send the necessary documentation for personal identification and fulfillment of legal obligations (identity document, health ID card, medical certificate)
  • proceed to payment

After completing the procedure for the purchase and delivery of the documents, within 2 working days the Secretariat will send you the link to complete the Questionnaire (Assessment Nutrition) and the list of blood tests needed to optimize your Diet.

Purchase Conditions

Additional information


3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months